Report an issue
Please use the below form to submit a report to ACRA Broker Check. The more information you can give, the easier it will be for us to correct the issue in a timely manner.
Thank You!
Your report will be evaluated by our team shortly.
Required fields are marked
Type of issue to be reported
Issue Type
Navigation Issue
Legibility Issue
Page Not Found / Unavailable Issue
Mobile or Device Compatibility Issue
Incorrect / Out-of-date Information
Legibility Issue
Page Not Found / Unavailable Issue
Abusive content on
Abusive content on an external link
This will insure that the report is sent to the correct department.
Where does the issue occur?
Please Select
Just this webpage
Most webpages (including this one)
Every webpage
This will insure that the report is sent to the correct department.
First Name
Last Name
Contact Number
Please describe the issue you discovered.
If applicable, please detail when/how the issue occurs.
I have read and understood the
Privacy Policy
In rare circumstances, ACRA Broker Check may require more information about the issue reported. May we contact you for the purposes of this report?
I am happy to be contacted regarding this report
Do not contact me
Submit Report